Study On East Coast Rail Route In Progress
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 14 (Bernama) -- The East Coast Economic Region (ECER) Development Council is conducting a study on the proposed East Coast Rail Route to improve the rail transport system in the region.
Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri said the study covers rail linking the Klang Valley to Mentakab, Kuantan, Kuala Terengganu and Kota Baharu.
"The study's outcome will allow the government to set the track alignment and determine the type of train service for the East Coast," he said in reply to a question by Senator Fatimah Hamat in Dewan Negara here on Monday.
Fatimah wanted to know whether the government planned to conduct a study on rail service linking Terengganu to Pahang and Kelantan.
Abdul Rahim said the government had plans to improve the rail transport system in the East Coast of the peninsula.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tempat Pejalan Kaki Jambatan Keretapi Mentakab Siap Dibaiki
Petang ini(10/1/2/2009) kami melawat Jambatan Keretapi Mentakab seperti yang dilaporkan yang papan-papannya perlu dibaiki demi menjaga keselamatan pengguna jambatan itu. Kerja membaikinya telah bermula pada Jumaat lepas(4/12/2009) dan hari ini(10/12/2009) kerja pun telah siap. Kami mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang membantu dalam kerja membaiki jambatan keretapi ini.

'Laluan maut' ancam penduduk-Utusan Online

Utusan Online ada satu lapuran mengenai Jambatan Keretapi Mentakab di mana papan-papan atas lantai mengalami kerosakan dab merbahayakan pengguna. Sebenarnya seorang penderma telah menderma sebanyak 75 keping papan berjumlah melebihi RM 7000.00 untuk menggantikan papan yang sedia ada setelah saya memaklumkan dan mohon kepada beliau desaknya keperluan menggantikan papan-papan itu dan papan itu telah berada di tapak tersebut semasa lawatan kami pada 2/12/2009. YB Ahli Parlimen Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah pula sedia membayar upah berjumlah RM 4,000.00 bagi membiayai kerja tersebut. Kini, kerja membaiki papan-papan di Jambatan Keretapi tersebut sedang dijalankan. Semua ini adalah usaha dan kerjasama semua pihak khususnya daripada kerajaan dan orang peseorangan yang sudi membantu menyelesaikan masalah rakyat.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Program "Nur Bestari" anjuran Majlis Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat Parlimen Temerloh
Program "Nur Bestari" anjuran Majlis Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat Parlimen Temerloh telah di adakan pada 5 Disember 2009. Kursus Mengurangkan "stress" dan ceramah persolekan diadakan bagi peserta kaum wanita yang terlibat. El-Maa Beauty dari Bandar Baru Kerayong, Bera, telah dijemput untuk memberi khidmat nasihat dan pertunjukan dalam ceramah persolekan tersebut. Penceramah oleh seorang anak tempatan, seorang doktor dari Kg Tanjung Kerayong pula dijemput untuk memberi ceramah mengenai pengurusan mengurangkan "stress" dalam rumahtangga bagi kaum wanita.

Majlis Berkhatan Perdana di DUN Mentakab
Majlis Berkhatan Perdana anjuran JKKK Mambang Berulang, JKKK Penak dan JKKK Chatin yang diadakan pada 5 Disember 2009 dan dirasmikan oleh Pegawai Daerah Temerloh.
Seramai 36 kanak-kanak antara umur 9-12 tahun daripada ketiga-tiga JKKK kampung tersebut diraikan dan mengambil bahagian, turut hadir dalam majlis tersebut ialah ibubapa kanak-kanak tersebut, En. Anuar ADO Daerah Temerloh, Sdr Mohamad Anuar Yunus Naib Ketua Umno, En. Khaidhir Azly Baharudin Penghulu Mentakab.

Seramai 36 kanak-kanak antara umur 9-12 tahun daripada ketiga-tiga JKKK kampung tersebut diraikan dan mengambil bahagian, turut hadir dalam majlis tersebut ialah ibubapa kanak-kanak tersebut, En. Anuar ADO Daerah Temerloh, Sdr Mohamad Anuar Yunus Naib Ketua Umno, En. Khaidhir Azly Baharudin Penghulu Mentakab.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Amazing behaviour of some leaders-TAN SRI ROBERT PHANG
以下是Tan Sri Robert Phang刊登在 The Star 的一篇文告,这篇文告清楚点出马华廖派的一些领袖如何变脸变得那么快,令人叹为观止!可以“媲美”霹雳州的许月凤。是的,政治人物因时因地改变主意(立场)是为了政治生命和生存,是很正常的事情,“Changing decisions is quite normal for politicians.” 这些政治人物改变主意是他们的诚信到达什么程度的问题,让他人决定是否可以接受这种改变。“It is the level of sincerity for changing that counts and determines acceptability.” 我是不能接受廖派领袖的这种改变的!可是,这些人,却高喊还党诚信!诚信不足的人,还要求他人要有诚信,这是什么逻辑?相比之下,翁诗杰跟蔡细历10月15日中委会之后能够合作,为稳定马华也好,为个人权位也好,是为了政治生命和生存也好,是很正常的。比起那些在他人背后插刀的人,好了几百倍!不但如此,这些所谓领袖,还千方百计,甚至泪水滔滔,千希望万盼望巫统插手马华党务,这些没有背脊骨的人,你期望他能为马华带来希望吗?
Saturday November 28, 2009
Amazing behaviour of some leaders
THE behaviour of some MCA leaders is amazing. They continuously refuse to look at themselves in the mirror before making contradictory statements in their quest for political survival and power.
They question the integrity of their rivals for changing their stance or decision on issues. Is there any politician who does not change his or her position according to time and circum- stances?
Changing decisions is quite normal for politicians. It is the level of sincerity for changing that counts and determines acceptability.
Today, the fiercest critics of the Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat-Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek leadership are vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong and Wanita chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun.
Before the 10/10 (Oct 10) extraordinary general meeting, the central committee (CC) collectively decided to sink or swim with the president on the outcome of the EGM.
When the president lost the confidence vote by 14 ballots, the three demanded that Ong quit immediately as he announced he would do before the EGM. The three, who are CC members, had forgotten about collective decision-making.
When Ong exercised his presidential powers to call for another EGM to enable party central delegates to decide whether they want fresh elections for the CC, the three opposed strongly.
Since the three and others did not want fresh elections, the leadership then introduced the Greater Unity Plan to unite the party to face the next general election.
Again, the three openly questioned the plan, thereby rejecting it.
When support for the unity plan grew and started to work against their interest, the three changed their stance and started demanding fresh party polls.
It is their right to fight for political survival, but it must be done in a rational manner, not at the cost of the party or the Chinese community’s support.
They claim they have majority support. If so, why the need to seek help from Umno leaders?
They are also demanding immediate fresh party elections. What’s the hurry?
Both Ong and Dr Chua have agreed to hold fresh elections. But the leadership needs about eight months to introduce a more direct system of electoral process to reflect a higher level of democracy – instead of relying only on 2,380 central delegates to elect central leaders.
While demanding immediate party elections, they also say the wings need not follow suit. How convenient.
It is time for them to stop the tirade of confusing everyone, including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, into believing that Ong and Dr Chua do not command majority support.
Kuala Lumpur.
Saturday November 28, 2009
Amazing behaviour of some leaders
THE behaviour of some MCA leaders is amazing. They continuously refuse to look at themselves in the mirror before making contradictory statements in their quest for political survival and power.
They question the integrity of their rivals for changing their stance or decision on issues. Is there any politician who does not change his or her position according to time and circum- stances?
Changing decisions is quite normal for politicians. It is the level of sincerity for changing that counts and determines acceptability.
Today, the fiercest critics of the Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat-Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek leadership are vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong and Wanita chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun.
Before the 10/10 (Oct 10) extraordinary general meeting, the central committee (CC) collectively decided to sink or swim with the president on the outcome of the EGM.
When the president lost the confidence vote by 14 ballots, the three demanded that Ong quit immediately as he announced he would do before the EGM. The three, who are CC members, had forgotten about collective decision-making.
When Ong exercised his presidential powers to call for another EGM to enable party central delegates to decide whether they want fresh elections for the CC, the three opposed strongly.
Since the three and others did not want fresh elections, the leadership then introduced the Greater Unity Plan to unite the party to face the next general election.
Again, the three openly questioned the plan, thereby rejecting it.
When support for the unity plan grew and started to work against their interest, the three changed their stance and started demanding fresh party polls.
It is their right to fight for political survival, but it must be done in a rational manner, not at the cost of the party or the Chinese community’s support.
They claim they have majority support. If so, why the need to seek help from Umno leaders?
They are also demanding immediate fresh party elections. What’s the hurry?
Both Ong and Dr Chua have agreed to hold fresh elections. But the leadership needs about eight months to introduce a more direct system of electoral process to reflect a higher level of democracy – instead of relying only on 2,380 central delegates to elect central leaders.
While demanding immediate party elections, they also say the wings need not follow suit. How convenient.
It is time for them to stop the tirade of confusing everyone, including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, into believing that Ong and Dr Chua do not command majority support.
Kuala Lumpur.
Friday, November 27, 2009
我們會照顧你的 "kami akan jaga kamu" (we will take care of you)
以下是一篇 MOHSIN ABDULLAH的文章, 他是很风趣的,他这篇文章非常有新意,虽然是写给巫统领袖和党员看的,不过马华党员和华人社会领袖,阿狗阿猫(华人社会才有吧了)也非看不可!今天,看到马华的一些年轻领袖个个神采飞扬,面对记者,听说他们的问题因为获得巫统领袖的插手,终于可以解决了,所以个个眉开眼笑,我也被感染到那种欢乐的气氛,只差没有开香槟庆祝!因为1128不用投票计票,只要汇报就行了,也不用担心出席人数,因为现在谁都可以出席了,更不用担心特大不合法!真是开心死了!
When UMNO takes on MCA’s role
Attention all UMNO members. Yes, including you leaders.
你好嗎?is Mandarin for "apa khabar?" or how are you? 我們會照顧你的 "kami akan jaga kamu" (we will take care of you) and 請投我們一票 "tolong undi kami" or please vote for us.
That should do it for now. There's lots more to it though.
Mandarin to you, at your age, won't be easy. Any mispronounciation can give totally different meaning.
Be careful. Now how you wish you had gone to study in Chinese schools long time ago right? Still it's not too late. But you've got to work hard. Learn Mandarin well.
But if that's not hard enough, then there're the dialects--Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, Teowchew and many more.
Why you might ask must you endure or rather put yourself under all this "hardship"? Well, your Deputy President said recently that UMNO might take the role of "helping the Chinese community if MCA continues to be embroiled in crisis."
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said if MCA "is in such a state, obviously the Chinese community would not be happy and we don't want them to abandon the Barisan."
"So maybe there is no other recourse for UMNO to play that role (i.e. the MCA's role) for the time being to assist them," Muhyiddin went on to say as quoted by English daily The Star recently.
So there you have it. UMNO leaders and members must know Chinese well if they are to carry out the words of your Number Two man. Learning Mandarin and the other dialects is just the start. You must know what's dim sum, chee cheong fun, loh see fun, Mooncake Festival, Holy Ghost Festival, Chap Goh Meh, Zong Zhao Dong. The list goes on and on.
In short, you must know the Chinese culture, food, custom, etc. Again, how you wish you had gone to Chinese schools. (Come to think of it some UMNO folks weren't keen on Chinese schools in the first place and that's putting it mildly. Ask Zong Zhao Dong. Anyway put all that side and for the sake of the BN and Deputy President Muhyiddin get yourself ready.
Also please brace yourself to attend the many ceremonies and events. Including religious ones in temples. And you must attend events where non-halal food is served. Let's be blunt. When pork is the main dish.
You don't have to eat it of course. Nobody's going to force you to take it anyway. But just attend the ceremony, sit at the same table with other guests and respect those enjoying the food. And drinks. (You must know what yam seng means.)
Of course there's more. But you get the picture. You need to feel and live the community. You must realise the Chinese hold education very close to their hearts.
In short, you've got to be as Chinese as possible to understand and appreciate the Chinese. Only then you can "mendampingi" (get close to) the Chinese. Only then you get to carry out your task as envisaged by your Deputy President.
Still that's the easy part. The going will get tough when the Chinese community brings out issues which they want resolved.
There's no need to be specific, as being seasoned politicians in a big party like UMNO, you all know what the issues are, or at least can expect what will be raised.
Suffice to say equality is one. My two sen worth of advice is--get your answers ready.
Only then you can say with confidence 我們會照顧你的 ("kami akan jaga kamu," we will take care of you) and 請投我們一票 ("tolong undi kami," please vote for us). (By MOHSIN ABDULLAH/MySInchew)
MySinchew 2009.11.26
When UMNO takes on MCA’s role
Attention all UMNO members. Yes, including you leaders.
你好嗎?is Mandarin for "apa khabar?" or how are you? 我們會照顧你的 "kami akan jaga kamu" (we will take care of you) and 請投我們一票 "tolong undi kami" or please vote for us.
That should do it for now. There's lots more to it though.
Mandarin to you, at your age, won't be easy. Any mispronounciation can give totally different meaning.
Be careful. Now how you wish you had gone to study in Chinese schools long time ago right? Still it's not too late. But you've got to work hard. Learn Mandarin well.
But if that's not hard enough, then there're the dialects--Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, Teowchew and many more.
Why you might ask must you endure or rather put yourself under all this "hardship"? Well, your Deputy President said recently that UMNO might take the role of "helping the Chinese community if MCA continues to be embroiled in crisis."
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said if MCA "is in such a state, obviously the Chinese community would not be happy and we don't want them to abandon the Barisan."
"So maybe there is no other recourse for UMNO to play that role (i.e. the MCA's role) for the time being to assist them," Muhyiddin went on to say as quoted by English daily The Star recently.
So there you have it. UMNO leaders and members must know Chinese well if they are to carry out the words of your Number Two man. Learning Mandarin and the other dialects is just the start. You must know what's dim sum, chee cheong fun, loh see fun, Mooncake Festival, Holy Ghost Festival, Chap Goh Meh, Zong Zhao Dong. The list goes on and on.
In short, you must know the Chinese culture, food, custom, etc. Again, how you wish you had gone to Chinese schools. (Come to think of it some UMNO folks weren't keen on Chinese schools in the first place and that's putting it mildly. Ask Zong Zhao Dong. Anyway put all that side and for the sake of the BN and Deputy President Muhyiddin get yourself ready.
Also please brace yourself to attend the many ceremonies and events. Including religious ones in temples. And you must attend events where non-halal food is served. Let's be blunt. When pork is the main dish.
You don't have to eat it of course. Nobody's going to force you to take it anyway. But just attend the ceremony, sit at the same table with other guests and respect those enjoying the food. And drinks. (You must know what yam seng means.)
Of course there's more. But you get the picture. You need to feel and live the community. You must realise the Chinese hold education very close to their hearts.
In short, you've got to be as Chinese as possible to understand and appreciate the Chinese. Only then you can "mendampingi" (get close to) the Chinese. Only then you get to carry out your task as envisaged by your Deputy President.
Still that's the easy part. The going will get tough when the Chinese community brings out issues which they want resolved.
There's no need to be specific, as being seasoned politicians in a big party like UMNO, you all know what the issues are, or at least can expect what will be raised.
Suffice to say equality is one. My two sen worth of advice is--get your answers ready.
Only then you can say with confidence 我們會照顧你的 ("kami akan jaga kamu," we will take care of you) and 請投我們一票 ("tolong undi kami," please vote for us). (By MOHSIN ABDULLAH/MySInchew)
MySinchew 2009.11.26
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Answer and Report from Pahang State Authority on Gold Mining Activities in Bukit Koman
Below is a news report from NST Online on a question answered by the Pahang State Government on 20/11/2009. The DAP wakil rakyat from Kawasan Tras thanked me for posting the question during the tea break so that he was able to seek further clarifications on the issue. We all believe and agree that the safety of the people is always our concerns, whether from the government or the opposition.
No threat from gold mining ops
SEVERAL extra safety measures have been taken to ensure gold mining activities in Bukit Koman, Raub, will not harm the people in the area, the House was told yesterday.
State Environment Committee chairman Datuk Hoh Khai Mun said measures included 10-metre holes at 20 locations to monitor the quality of underground water near the tailing pond and the installation of two units of an alarm system to check the existence of hydrogen cyanide gas in the area.
"We also check the discarded water everyday to trace the existence of cyanide and arsenic and its pH (acidity)," he said in reply to Datuk Chuah Boon Seong (BN-Mentakab).
"Raub Australia Gold Mining Sdn Bhd had also employed staff to check the piping system which transferred waste water to the tailing pond. Also, the Mineral and Geoscience Department will be conducting fortnightly inspections."
No threat from gold mining ops
SEVERAL extra safety measures have been taken to ensure gold mining activities in Bukit Koman, Raub, will not harm the people in the area, the House was told yesterday.
State Environment Committee chairman Datuk Hoh Khai Mun said measures included 10-metre holes at 20 locations to monitor the quality of underground water near the tailing pond and the installation of two units of an alarm system to check the existence of hydrogen cyanide gas in the area.
"We also check the discarded water everyday to trace the existence of cyanide and arsenic and its pH (acidity)," he said in reply to Datuk Chuah Boon Seong (BN-Mentakab).
"Raub Australia Gold Mining Sdn Bhd had also employed staff to check the piping system which transferred waste water to the tailing pond. Also, the Mineral and Geoscience Department will be conducting fortnightly inspections."
Saturday, November 14, 2009
俾符合党章开特大 建议廖派中委辞职
光华日报的一篇报道:张子贞:俾符合党章开特大 建议廖派中委辞职
讽马华领袖 为当官闹笑话
他补充,马华总会长拿督斯里翁诗杰公布“大团结方案”当天,原任署理总会长拿督斯里蔡细历、被推举成为 19天署理总会长的原任副总会长拿督斯里廖中莱等人手拉着手供媒体拍照。
特大合法性 总秘书无权决定
光华日报的一篇报道:张子贞:俾符合党章开特大 建议廖派中委辞职
讽马华领袖 为当官闹笑话
他补充,马华总会长拿督斯里翁诗杰公布“大团结方案”当天,原任署理总会长拿督斯里蔡细历、被推举成为 19天署理总会长的原任副总会长拿督斯里廖中莱等人手拉着手供媒体拍照。
特大合法性 总秘书无权决定
Friday, November 13, 2009
Punish MCA trio for unforgiven political crime
Punish MCA trio for unforgiven political crime
By Koh Teng Gee
Ong Tee Kiat was so confident of beating the vote of no confidence pass against him in the Oct 10 EGM that he publicly declared that he would step down even if he lost by a simple majority. As it turned out, he lost by 14 votes.
It was reported that this was due to the 'Third Force' who wanted both Ong and Dr Chua Soi Lek out. I believe in Ong's case, his trusted leaders that had played him out by voting against him.
Liow Tiong Lai must have seen the opportunity to take over the leadership the moment Ong made his statement to step down. Hence, after the outcome was known in the EGM, he didn't waste time in having a secret meeting with his trusted supporters to force Ong to step down as promised.
It was reported that at the central committee meeting, Chiew Mei Fun stood up to make a call for Ong to step down to start the ball rolling to put pressure on Ong.
Knowing the kind of man he is, I believe in a different situation, Ong would have done what he said. However, when he knew that his trusted friends had backstabbed him and plotted to topple him, he didn't step down as promised.
The MCA's constitution requires a two-thirds majority to oust the president. Although his integrity was dented, he did the right thing by not stepping down. Had he done so, he would have to resign as a transport minister.
Liow, as president, would have to reward his two trusted supporters in Wee Ka Siong and Chiew Mei Fun. It was rumoured that Wee was to be minister of transport and Chiew the minister of tourism.
The consequences would be disasterous as Wee is allegedly linked to Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) matter. He would do all in his power to reduce the damages to BN politicians who were involved in the PKFZ scandal. The whole truth of the scandal will be lost forever.
As for the ambitious Chiew, it is unthinkable that she would replace her former boss, Dr Ng Yen Yen, who has done an excellent job as the minister of tourism. Can the public accept a non- elected person to replace an elected one?
Chiew lost the the 2008 general election while Ng won. For her involvement in the plot to topple the MCA president, she will be disliked intensely and I hope she will never win in any of the general elections to come.
I sincerely hope that the MCA members will punish this trio for their unforgiven political crime. Can the MCA accept people who backstabb their friends? I hope Ong will take steps to drop the three from their cabinet posts.
Let there be an MCA AGM to carry out elections for all posts. The identities of the Third Force are now exposed. Unfortunately, they include some of Ong's trusted friends.
Punish MCA trio for unforgiven political crime
By Koh Teng Gee
Ong Tee Kiat was so confident of beating the vote of no confidence pass against him in the Oct 10 EGM that he publicly declared that he would step down even if he lost by a simple majority. As it turned out, he lost by 14 votes.
It was reported that this was due to the 'Third Force' who wanted both Ong and Dr Chua Soi Lek out. I believe in Ong's case, his trusted leaders that had played him out by voting against him.
Liow Tiong Lai must have seen the opportunity to take over the leadership the moment Ong made his statement to step down. Hence, after the outcome was known in the EGM, he didn't waste time in having a secret meeting with his trusted supporters to force Ong to step down as promised.
It was reported that at the central committee meeting, Chiew Mei Fun stood up to make a call for Ong to step down to start the ball rolling to put pressure on Ong.
Knowing the kind of man he is, I believe in a different situation, Ong would have done what he said. However, when he knew that his trusted friends had backstabbed him and plotted to topple him, he didn't step down as promised.
The MCA's constitution requires a two-thirds majority to oust the president. Although his integrity was dented, he did the right thing by not stepping down. Had he done so, he would have to resign as a transport minister.
Liow, as president, would have to reward his two trusted supporters in Wee Ka Siong and Chiew Mei Fun. It was rumoured that Wee was to be minister of transport and Chiew the minister of tourism.
The consequences would be disasterous as Wee is allegedly linked to Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) matter. He would do all in his power to reduce the damages to BN politicians who were involved in the PKFZ scandal. The whole truth of the scandal will be lost forever.
As for the ambitious Chiew, it is unthinkable that she would replace her former boss, Dr Ng Yen Yen, who has done an excellent job as the minister of tourism. Can the public accept a non- elected person to replace an elected one?
Chiew lost the the 2008 general election while Ng won. For her involvement in the plot to topple the MCA president, she will be disliked intensely and I hope she will never win in any of the general elections to come.
I sincerely hope that the MCA members will punish this trio for their unforgiven political crime. Can the MCA accept people who backstabb their friends? I hope Ong will take steps to drop the three from their cabinet posts.
Let there be an MCA AGM to carry out elections for all posts. The identities of the Third Force are now exposed. Unfortunately, they include some of Ong's trusted friends.
Punish MCA trio for unforgiven political crime
By Koh Teng Gee
Ong Tee Kiat was so confident of beating the vote of no confidence pass against him in the Oct 10 EGM that he publicly declared that he would step down even if he lost by a simple majority. As it turned out, he lost by 14 votes.
It was reported that this was due to the 'Third Force' who wanted both Ong and Dr Chua Soi Lek out. I believe in Ong's case, his trusted leaders that had played him out by voting against him.
Liow Tiong Lai must have seen the opportunity to take over the leadership the moment Ong made his statement to step down. Hence, after the outcome was known in the EGM, he didn't waste time in having a secret meeting with his trusted supporters to force Ong to step down as promised.
It was reported that at the central committee meeting, Chiew Mei Fun stood up to make a call for Ong to step down to start the ball rolling to put pressure on Ong.
Knowing the kind of man he is, I believe in a different situation, Ong would have done what he said. However, when he knew that his trusted friends had backstabbed him and plotted to topple him, he didn't step down as promised.
The MCA's constitution requires a two-thirds majority to oust the president. Although his integrity was dented, he did the right thing by not stepping down. Had he done so, he would have to resign as a transport minister.
Liow, as president, would have to reward his two trusted supporters in Wee Ka Siong and Chiew Mei Fun. It was rumoured that Wee was to be minister of transport and Chiew the minister of tourism.
The consequences would be disasterous as Wee is allegedly linked to Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) matter. He would do all in his power to reduce the damages to BN politicians who were involved in the PKFZ scandal. The whole truth of the scandal will be lost forever.
As for the ambitious Chiew, it is unthinkable that she would replace her former boss, Dr Ng Yen Yen, who has done an excellent job as the minister of tourism. Can the public accept a non- elected person to replace an elected one?
Chiew lost the the 2008 general election while Ng won. For her involvement in the plot to topple the MCA president, she will be disliked intensely and I hope she will never win in any of the general elections to come.
I sincerely hope that the MCA members will punish this trio for their unforgiven political crime. Can the MCA accept people who backstabb their friends? I hope Ong will take steps to drop the three from their cabinet posts.
Let there be an MCA AGM to carry out elections for all posts. The identities of the Third Force are now exposed. Unfortunately, they include some of Ong's trusted friends.
Ong Tee Kiat was so confident of beating the vote of no confidence pass against him in the Oct 10 EGM that he publicly declared that he would step down even if he lost by a simple majority. As it turned out, he lost by 14 votes.
It was reported that this was due to the 'Third Force' who wanted both Ong and Dr Chua Soi Lek out. I believe in Ong's case, his trusted leaders that had played him out by voting against him.
Liow Tiong Lai must have seen the opportunity to take over the leadership the moment Ong made his statement to step down. Hence, after the outcome was known in the EGM, he didn't waste time in having a secret meeting with his trusted supporters to force Ong to step down as promised.
It was reported that at the central committee meeting, Chiew Mei Fun stood up to make a call for Ong to step down to start the ball rolling to put pressure on Ong.
Knowing the kind of man he is, I believe in a different situation, Ong would have done what he said. However, when he knew that his trusted friends had backstabbed him and plotted to topple him, he didn't step down as promised.
The MCA's constitution requires a two-thirds majority to oust the president. Although his integrity was dented, he did the right thing by not stepping down. Had he done so, he would have to resign as a transport minister.
Liow, as president, would have to reward his two trusted supporters in Wee Ka Siong and Chiew Mei Fun. It was rumoured that Wee was to be minister of transport and Chiew the minister of tourism.
The consequences would be disasterous as Wee is allegedly linked to Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) matter. He would do all in his power to reduce the damages to BN politicians who were involved in the PKFZ scandal. The whole truth of the scandal will be lost forever.
As for the ambitious Chiew, it is unthinkable that she would replace her former boss, Dr Ng Yen Yen, who has done an excellent job as the minister of tourism. Can the public accept a non- elected person to replace an elected one?
Chiew lost the the 2008 general election while Ng won. For her involvement in the plot to topple the MCA president, she will be disliked intensely and I hope she will never win in any of the general elections to come.
I sincerely hope that the MCA members will punish this trio for their unforgiven political crime. Can the MCA accept people who backstabb their friends? I hope Ong will take steps to drop the three from their cabinet posts.
Let there be an MCA AGM to carry out elections for all posts. The identities of the Third Force are now exposed. Unfortunately, they include some of Ong's trusted friends.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
機關算盡 踩無底洞
機關算盡 踩無底洞
Sunday, November 8, 2009
ABC,你不喜欢,选择 D 如何?
ABC,你不喜欢,选择 D 如何?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Chua: Unity plan needs time
"A friend in need is a friend indeed."在我们需要帮助时,能即时伸出援手的就是我们真正的朋友。在这时刻,蔡细勵是翁诗杰的朋友,他说了适当的话。马华前署理总会长蔡细勵呼吁马华中央委员会委员们让“大团结计划”可以有机会在6个月至一年内实现。他也感到震惊,之前支持翁诗杰的中委在最后的时刻还信誓旦旦要与翁诗杰共浮沉,却在翁诗杰被投不信任票之后,来个U-转。不久之前,翁诗杰派系和蔡细勵派系还斗得难分难解,现在,蔡细勵准备和翁诗杰合作,说:“As far as I am concerned, the unity plan must include members from all factions including the president, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and myself.”这些U-转的中委,不敢明言反对“大团结计划”,有些还口是心非的说了一些莫名其妙的话,不过却真正的想办法破坏它。不敢明言反对“大团结计划”理由很简单,这计划事先有照会首相,也获得认可,首相也认为应该给它一些时间进行,当然想办法破坏它还不容易吗?你我都会啦!这些人想再次激怒翁诗杰,利用他刚强的性格,让他再采取一些激烈的反击行动,让他更不得人心,实现他们的目的!
Sunday November 1, 2009
Chua: Unity plan needs time
JOHOR BARU: Former MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has called on the party central committee to give the greater unity plan between six months to a year to work.
He also felt that it was a waste of time to call for another extraordinary general meeting (EGM).
“Call off the EGM; or dissolve the CC and call for fresh elections,” he said, describing the present situation as unhealthy.
Dr Chua added he was shocked to find that all the people who had earlier been supportive of MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat making an about-turn after the no-confidence motion was passed.
“Earlier, when the EGM was called, until the last minute, many indicated they would sink or swim with the president.
“Later, there were breaks and people were already keen on higher posts within the party,” he told reporters here yesterday.
Dr Chua said he supported the unity plan as he hoped that by doing so, the party could move forward.
“As far as I am concerned, the unity plan must include members from all factions including the president, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and myself.
“I hope the minister concerned can exercise his powers as in the past, precedents had been set when the Registrar of Societies (ROS) determined the validity of presidents of both PPP and IPF,” he said.
In the Oct 10 EGM, Dr Chua was reinstated as an MCA member, but lost in the resolution to reinstate him as deputy president. Dr Chua then referred his case to the ROS.
When ROS’ Datuk Md Alias Kalil ruled he had no power to decide on Dr Chua’s status in MCA, the former deputy president wrote another letter to Mohd Alias.
This was revealed by Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein. He also suggested Dr Chua address his appeal directly to the minister.
Such a move, under Section 18 of the ROS Act, would hasten the process, said Hishammuddin.
Sunday November 1, 2009
Chua: Unity plan needs time
JOHOR BARU: Former MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has called on the party central committee to give the greater unity plan between six months to a year to work.
He also felt that it was a waste of time to call for another extraordinary general meeting (EGM).
“Call off the EGM; or dissolve the CC and call for fresh elections,” he said, describing the present situation as unhealthy.
Dr Chua added he was shocked to find that all the people who had earlier been supportive of MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat making an about-turn after the no-confidence motion was passed.
“Earlier, when the EGM was called, until the last minute, many indicated they would sink or swim with the president.
“Later, there were breaks and people were already keen on higher posts within the party,” he told reporters here yesterday.
Dr Chua said he supported the unity plan as he hoped that by doing so, the party could move forward.
“As far as I am concerned, the unity plan must include members from all factions including the president, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and myself.
“I hope the minister concerned can exercise his powers as in the past, precedents had been set when the Registrar of Societies (ROS) determined the validity of presidents of both PPP and IPF,” he said.
In the Oct 10 EGM, Dr Chua was reinstated as an MCA member, but lost in the resolution to reinstate him as deputy president. Dr Chua then referred his case to the ROS.
When ROS’ Datuk Md Alias Kalil ruled he had no power to decide on Dr Chua’s status in MCA, the former deputy president wrote another letter to Mohd Alias.
This was revealed by Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein. He also suggested Dr Chua address his appeal directly to the minister.
Such a move, under Section 18 of the ROS Act, would hasten the process, said Hishammuddin.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
14th International Clown Convention in Mexico City, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2009
以下是第14届国际小丑大会2009年10月19日开始在墨西哥城举行大会的其中一张照片,根据 Yahoo!News网站显示多达45张的照片,这只是其中一张。其实也没有什么特别,只是中国报的老编“非常有创意”,把它放在2009年10月23日的封面版,打着“小丑大合照”,“开心就好”的标题;偏偏上面却是马华大头们合照!我猜不透中国报老编的用意!你呢?

Associated Press
Yahoo! News网站。

Yahoo! News网站。
Thursday, October 22, 2009
廖中莱与18中委密斟 今会翁反映意见
二零零九年十月二十二日 凌晨十二时三十九分
二零零九年十月二十二日 凌晨十二时三十九分
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
20中委密会内容曝光 受宠女领袖狠批翁
挺翁者暗中拨电 翁听见谈话内容
挺翁者暗中拨电 翁听见谈话内容
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
2009-10-13 12:11
2009-10-13 12:11
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
"Conspiracy' against PKA"
Conspiracy' against PKA
by R. Nadeswaran and Terence Fernandez
The Sun
Port Klang Authority(PKA) had in its history a general manager who did not understand the basic financial term “cash flow projections”.
I was not an economic student and I did not learn financial planning, however at the very least, I understand the very basic principle of Cash Flow Projections, for that matter, I can be a better GM for PKA, or whoever, at present or had experience running a company whether be it a sole proprietor, in business partnership or those running small "gerai makan" renting from PBT or our neighbour just selling nasik lemak by the roadside, can be a better GM of PKA.
The report follows:-
PETALING JAYA (Sept 6, 2009): The cabinet will be told on Wednesday that several parties, including former Port Klang Authority (PKA) general manager Datin Paduka O.C. Phang and turnkey contractor Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB), were named as "possible conspirators" who have harmed or injured PKA in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) project.
by R. Nadeswaran and Terence Fernandez
The Sun
Port Klang Authority(PKA) had in its history a general manager who did not understand the basic financial term “cash flow projections”.
I was not an economic student and I did not learn financial planning, however at the very least, I understand the very basic principle of Cash Flow Projections, for that matter, I can be a better GM for PKA, or whoever, at present or had experience running a company whether be it a sole proprietor, in business partnership or those running small "gerai makan" renting from PBT or our neighbour just selling nasik lemak by the roadside, can be a better GM of PKA.
The report follows:-
PETALING JAYA (Sept 6, 2009): The cabinet will be told on Wednesday that several parties, including former Port Klang Authority (PKA) general manager Datin Paduka O.C. Phang and turnkey contractor Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB), were named as "possible conspirators" who have harmed or injured PKA in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) project.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tee Keat has Najib’s support to handle PKFZ issue - The Star
Prime Minister Dato Sri Najib responsed to the comments made by columnist Baradan Kuppusamy as follow:-
“The Government is very much committed towards the principle of transparency and accountability in line with its People First focus,” the statement said.
“Suggestions by the writer that the Government is indifferent towards the PKFZ issue is misleading.”
The Government is committed in the investigations into the PKFZ issue.
“The Government is very much committed towards the principle of transparency and accountability in line with its People First focus,” the statement said.
“Suggestions by the writer that the Government is indifferent towards the PKFZ issue is misleading.”
The Government is committed in the investigations into the PKFZ issue.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tee Keat takes the hard – but right – course
Saturday, August 22, 2009
"Bahasa Burung"
Saya pernah dengar selesema burung atau dikenali sebagai Avian Influenza, sejenis selesema yang menyerang burung, adakalanya menyerang manusia juga.
Jarang saya dengar "bahasa burung" kerana manusia nak dengar dan faham "bahasa burung" itu agak susah. "Bahasa Burung" itu selalunya kasar dan menyinggung perasaan!
Saya fikir dengar bahasa mimpi itu lebih sedap, bahasa mimpi itu cakapan semasa tidur dan mimpi, kita biasa tidur dan mimpi, kadang-kadang bila kita tidur, otak masih aktif dan fikir, kita mimpilah dan kita pun cakap, itu bahasa manusia, OKlah tapi "bahasa burung" itu, eh, sakit telinga!
Otak sudah jadi otak burungke baru boleh cakap "bahasa burung"?
Saya berkesempatan baca "bahasa burung" dalam satu lapuran Merdeka Review. Dalam lapuran itu, seorang pemimpin menasihatkan seorang pemimpin lain jangan cakap "bahasa burung". Berikut ini lapurannya:-
Jarang saya dengar "bahasa burung" kerana manusia nak dengar dan faham "bahasa burung" itu agak susah. "Bahasa Burung" itu selalunya kasar dan menyinggung perasaan!
Saya fikir dengar bahasa mimpi itu lebih sedap, bahasa mimpi itu cakapan semasa tidur dan mimpi, kita biasa tidur dan mimpi, kadang-kadang bila kita tidur, otak masih aktif dan fikir, kita mimpilah dan kita pun cakap, itu bahasa manusia, OKlah tapi "bahasa burung" itu, eh, sakit telinga!
Otak sudah jadi otak burungke baru boleh cakap "bahasa burung"?
Saya berkesempatan baca "bahasa burung" dalam satu lapuran Merdeka Review. Dalam lapuran itu, seorang pemimpin menasihatkan seorang pemimpin lain jangan cakap "bahasa burung". Berikut ini lapurannya:-
Sunday, August 9, 2009
When you meet someone who is really frank......
7 August was a special day for me, for I was able to meet one of the residents in Mentakab, sat in his car and accompanied to visit a location, part of a road which was complained several years ago(I was not even a wakil rakyat then) and had not been attended since then.
That morning, when I reached my office premises and before entering the office, I met him, after talking for a while, he introduced himself, then only I realized he is one of the prominent lawyer in Mentakab, Mr Karam Singh.
During our conversation downstairs, he was very critical about BN yet all this while he supported BN(I supposed till 2008 election). Nowadays, it's not easy to meet people who is willing to tell you frankly that he is critical about you or your party. People may either shun you or keep to themselves what they think about you or your party. I listened patiently about his annoyances about BN and the words he used may be a little bit harsh, however i still listened. As a wakil rakyat, under such situation, some may have simply turn away and rather not continue the conversation/listening, I respected him as a senior and I listened patiently.
Finally, he mentioned about a dissatisfaction which he did complain before(several years back) and he invited me to go into his car and have a look at what he has described.
I went into his car and he drove me to the location to see what he has described.
After inspecting the conditions of the road and the surroundings, I agreed that those portion of the road are neglected, there are pot holes here and there, and I noticed that the road were not resurfaced since those houses were built in the 90's. I was surprised also to see that the road in front of the new double storeys terrace houses was also not resurfaced, I supposed this road should be resurfaced since the houses are newly built.
It is the duty of the housing developer to resurface the existing road and the duty of the Majlis Perbandaran to oversee that the job is done rather than letting go the developer. I can understand why some rakyat are angry, these unscrupulous developer at the expense of the people and cheating on the government to make their money.
After coming back back from the visit, I called the Jurutera Majlis Perbandaran to request some fund to attend to the request of the residents and also wrote a letter formally requesting the attention and work to be done.
There is one thing worth mentioning, before I left Mr Karam Singh, he held my hand and put on his chest and thanked me for willing to listen to his grouses and came along to have the visit.
During then, i could hear the Sikh prayer playing through his car cassette. He is a religious man and a nice man although sometimes he may use harsh words, however I still considered it to be my lucky day to be able to meet someone who is critical about my party and yet frank to tell me that.
That morning, when I reached my office premises and before entering the office, I met him, after talking for a while, he introduced himself, then only I realized he is one of the prominent lawyer in Mentakab, Mr Karam Singh.
During our conversation downstairs, he was very critical about BN yet all this while he supported BN(I supposed till 2008 election). Nowadays, it's not easy to meet people who is willing to tell you frankly that he is critical about you or your party. People may either shun you or keep to themselves what they think about you or your party. I listened patiently about his annoyances about BN and the words he used may be a little bit harsh, however i still listened. As a wakil rakyat, under such situation, some may have simply turn away and rather not continue the conversation/listening, I respected him as a senior and I listened patiently.
Finally, he mentioned about a dissatisfaction which he did complain before(several years back) and he invited me to go into his car and have a look at what he has described.
I went into his car and he drove me to the location to see what he has described.
After inspecting the conditions of the road and the surroundings, I agreed that those portion of the road are neglected, there are pot holes here and there, and I noticed that the road were not resurfaced since those houses were built in the 90's. I was surprised also to see that the road in front of the new double storeys terrace houses was also not resurfaced, I supposed this road should be resurfaced since the houses are newly built.
It is the duty of the housing developer to resurface the existing road and the duty of the Majlis Perbandaran to oversee that the job is done rather than letting go the developer. I can understand why some rakyat are angry, these unscrupulous developer at the expense of the people and cheating on the government to make their money.
After coming back back from the visit, I called the Jurutera Majlis Perbandaran to request some fund to attend to the request of the residents and also wrote a letter formally requesting the attention and work to be done.
There is one thing worth mentioning, before I left Mr Karam Singh, he held my hand and put on his chest and thanked me for willing to listen to his grouses and came along to have the visit.
During then, i could hear the Sikh prayer playing through his car cassette. He is a religious man and a nice man although sometimes he may use harsh words, however I still considered it to be my lucky day to be able to meet someone who is critical about my party and yet frank to tell me that.
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rakyat Didahulukan Dan Pencapaian Diutamakan.
Petang tadi, kami adakan satu mesyuarat di Pejabat ADUN Mentakab, berbincangan mengenai masalah tuntutan seorang tuanpunya tanah yang berasal dari Tg Kerayong Mentakab yang ikut katanya jalan yang sedia ada telah mecerobuhi tanahnya di sebelah jambatan Tg Kerayong Mentakab. Jalan yang digunapakai ini sebenarnya telah wujud sejak 1992.
Beliau menuntut sebanyak RM 20,000 pampasan daripada mereka yang terdiri daripada pekebun kecil, pemaju-pemaju pekebun, penoreh-penoreh getah dan lain-lain yang mengunakan jalan itu setiap hari. RM 20,000 itu satu jumlah yang besar. Kami kena kenalpasti bahawa jalan yang dikatakan terceroboh itu betul-betul tanahnya. Jumalah yang dituntut itu pun kena dibincang semula dengan mereka yang menggunakan jalan tersebut.
Selepas perbincangan di Pejabat ADUN, kami bertolak untuk membuat lawatan tapak. Dengan menggunakan bacaan meter kereta saya, saya dapati jarak yang dikatakan dicerobohi itu lebig kurang 300 meter. Walau bagaimana pun, saya juga difahami, jalan itu mungkin terletak di atas tanah yang tuanpunya yang berlainan. Oleh itu, saya minta Tok4 En Mubin dan wakil pekebun kecil untuk mengadakan pengukuran sempadan dengan kerjasama pegawai dari Pejabat Tanah dan JKR demi memastikan sempadan sebenar supaya tidak mengelirukan dan tidak mendatangkan masalah kemudian, sempena mencari penyelesaian masalah tuntutan ini.
Pada masa yang sama, kami juga menghubungi pegawai teknikal dari Pejabat Daerah untuk memastikan jalan alternatif dan membuat anggaran kos mungkin terlibat sekiranya perlu adakan jalan alternatif pada masa depan.
Semasa berada di situ, kami juga meninjau keadaan struktur Jambatan Tg Kerayong yang melintas Sg Semantan dan didapati maintenance perlu diadakan secepat mungkin untuk menjamin keselamatan pengguna jambatan tersebut. Kelihatan hakisan tanah disebelah jambatan memang serius dan pegawai JPS telah pun membuat lawatan dan sedang mengambil tindakan memperbaiki keadaan.Kerajaan memang sentiasa peka kepada kehendak rakyat.
Rakyat Didahulukan Dan Pencapaian Diutamakan. Harap perkara seperti ini dapat diselesaikan secepat mungkin.
Beliau menuntut sebanyak RM 20,000 pampasan daripada mereka yang terdiri daripada pekebun kecil, pemaju-pemaju pekebun, penoreh-penoreh getah dan lain-lain yang mengunakan jalan itu setiap hari. RM 20,000 itu satu jumlah yang besar. Kami kena kenalpasti bahawa jalan yang dikatakan terceroboh itu betul-betul tanahnya. Jumalah yang dituntut itu pun kena dibincang semula dengan mereka yang menggunakan jalan tersebut.
Selepas perbincangan di Pejabat ADUN, kami bertolak untuk membuat lawatan tapak. Dengan menggunakan bacaan meter kereta saya, saya dapati jarak yang dikatakan dicerobohi itu lebig kurang 300 meter. Walau bagaimana pun, saya juga difahami, jalan itu mungkin terletak di atas tanah yang tuanpunya yang berlainan. Oleh itu, saya minta Tok4 En Mubin dan wakil pekebun kecil untuk mengadakan pengukuran sempadan dengan kerjasama pegawai dari Pejabat Tanah dan JKR demi memastikan sempadan sebenar supaya tidak mengelirukan dan tidak mendatangkan masalah kemudian, sempena mencari penyelesaian masalah tuntutan ini.
Pada masa yang sama, kami juga menghubungi pegawai teknikal dari Pejabat Daerah untuk memastikan jalan alternatif dan membuat anggaran kos mungkin terlibat sekiranya perlu adakan jalan alternatif pada masa depan.
Semasa berada di situ, kami juga meninjau keadaan struktur Jambatan Tg Kerayong yang melintas Sg Semantan dan didapati maintenance perlu diadakan secepat mungkin untuk menjamin keselamatan pengguna jambatan tersebut. Kelihatan hakisan tanah disebelah jambatan memang serius dan pegawai JPS telah pun membuat lawatan dan sedang mengambil tindakan memperbaiki keadaan.Kerajaan memang sentiasa peka kepada kehendak rakyat.
Rakyat Didahulukan Dan Pencapaian Diutamakan. Harap perkara seperti ini dapat diselesaikan secepat mungkin.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
从建国开始,各民族都有一些互相认同的事项,在扶贫济弱方面,在分配经济蛋糕方面,在宗教方面, 你说它是契约也好吧。可是,因为累积下来的陋习和一直以来贪婪的政治人物在人民赋予权力后变得高傲和不可一世,加上行政官僚形成独自的另一股势力,撕裂了分配国家资源的版图,使人民虽然在理论上是国家的主人,却也只能在每五年的大选后,在投下那神圣的一票之后,把命运交给执政当局,却最后变成任宰割的羔羊。
人民对政府的不满是可以理解的,可是大家的视线都模糊了。行政官僚本是中立的,行政官僚是听命于执政当局的(work for Goverment of the day),执政当局(政府)可以被改变,可是行政官僚的体制以及体制里的官员却是保留和不变的。要改变这个体制不是这么容易的事,前首相想推出IPCMC,行吗?部队里的高官不是恫言要造反吗?要投票给反对党吗?
从建国开始,各民族都有一些互相认同的事项,在扶贫济弱方面,在分配经济蛋糕方面,在宗教方面, 你说它是契约也好吧。可是,因为累积下来的陋习和一直以来贪婪的政治人物在人民赋予权力后变得高傲和不可一世,加上行政官僚形成独自的另一股势力,撕裂了分配国家资源的版图,使人民虽然在理论上是国家的主人,却也只能在每五年的大选后,在投下那神圣的一票之后,把命运交给执政当局,却最后变成任宰割的羔羊。
人民对政府的不满是可以理解的,可是大家的视线都模糊了。行政官僚本是中立的,行政官僚是听命于执政当局的(work for Goverment of the day),执政当局(政府)可以被改变,可是行政官僚的体制以及体制里的官员却是保留和不变的。要改变这个体制不是这么容易的事,前首相想推出IPCMC,行吗?部队里的高官不是恫言要造反吗?要投票给反对党吗?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Press Statement issued by MCA Spokesperson Sdr Gan Ping Sieu over the demise of Sdr Teo Beng Hock, political secretary to Selangor EXCO YB Ean Yong Hian Wah.
MCA extends condolences to the family of the late Sdr Teoh Beng Hock – calls on police to conduct thorough investigation
MCA Spokesperson Sdr Gan Ping Sieu has expressed the concern of MCA on the sudden demise of Sdr Teoh Beng Hock, political secretary to Selangor executive councilor Ean Yong Hian Wah. On behalf of the party, he conveys his sympathies and deepest condolences to the family.
On the hand, Ping Sieu urged MACC to take full responsibility over the matter and said that the police should take immediate action to investigate the case thoroughly. Appropriate action must be taken if it is found that there were MACC personnel or other individuals involved in the incident.
Meanwhile, Ping Sieu who also chairs the Political Education Bureau of the party proposed that the government should consider setting up an independent committee to investigate the case to prevent any untoward allegations that would affect the credibility of MACC.
MCA extends condolences to the family of the late Sdr Teoh Beng Hock – calls on police to conduct thorough investigation
MCA Spokesperson Sdr Gan Ping Sieu has expressed the concern of MCA on the sudden demise of Sdr Teoh Beng Hock, political secretary to Selangor executive councilor Ean Yong Hian Wah. On behalf of the party, he conveys his sympathies and deepest condolences to the family.
On the hand, Ping Sieu urged MACC to take full responsibility over the matter and said that the police should take immediate action to investigate the case thoroughly. Appropriate action must be taken if it is found that there were MACC personnel or other individuals involved in the incident.
Meanwhile, Ping Sieu who also chairs the Political Education Bureau of the party proposed that the government should consider setting up an independent committee to investigate the case to prevent any untoward allegations that would affect the credibility of MACC.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
这是 13/7/2009,8.30PM 收到来自facebook的电邮:
Teng sent you a message.
Subject: Halo YB
Halo YB,我身为文德甲的青年很想知道你对一些事的看法。
Teng sent you a message.
Subject: Halo YB
Halo YB,我身为文德甲的青年很想知道你对一些事的看法。
Tekanan air rendah...selesai!
Gambar dibawah ini saya terima petang ini 15/7/2009 daripada En Zaaba, pegawai teknik di JBA Temerloh yang pejabatnya di Mentakab sebelah SM Hwa Lian. Beliau hantarkan mesej bersama gambar ini beritahu bahawa masalah/aduan tekanan air rendah oleh penduduk Taman KSM Height telah selesai. Nampaknya inilah "culprit" yang menyebabkan tekanan air rendah di kawasan situ dan rumah yang berkenaan, kebocoran paip di Rumah Pam KSM.
Terima kasihlah En. Zaaba.
Terima kasihlah En. Zaaba.



Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Chong Chin Wah的留言:
其实,Taman KSM Height的工程交由吉隆坡 IKRAM总部研究和提呈给州政府后,经过详细研究,探讨解决方案,最后已经获得州政府同意,将在8月初公开招标。一切顺利的话,九月中旬之后可以开工。
在跟州JKR总监会面的时候,我多次都向州JKR总监提起这件事,希望他多多注意,上一次在6月15日当新加坡资政李光耀到来彭亨州进行访问时,我在北根皇宫跟州JKR总监见面,还提醒他无论如何,一定要帮我,而且一定要赶在年尾雨季之前完成工作。 (这是他的职权管辖之内)!在与淡马鲁JKR局长开会见面时(Jawatankuasa Tindakan Daerah),我都跟他提起这件事的进展,在市议会的会议上,也通过市议员在会上跟进。在跟YB拿督何启文州行政议员见面谈起这件事的时候,我也要求拿督何启文在州行政议会上关注和协助。以上这些,居民当然不知道,YB都赖州议员当然也不知道。作为议员,我们也和人民一样,和居民的感受其实是一样的,只要事情解决了,就不是问题了!当然,问题是何时可以解决,时间是一个非常重要的因素!要了解问题,解决问题,官员一定要到来视察,怎么说成官员没有有效的解决问题呢?
Taman KSM Height 的问题是要解决的。这个将花费一百五十万的工程,由于地势的险恶以及发展进行时土壤处理的问题关系,我是希望能一劳永逸的解决这个问题,这些之前留下来的手尾,假如没有处理好,难保以后(三五年或十年八年后)不会再发生土崩事件!市议会之前花了钱却没有解决问题,我是耿耿于怀的!
土陷多年未解决 文德甲2花园居民担忧 2009/07/14 12:09:24
其实,Taman KSM Height的工程交由吉隆坡 IKRAM总部研究和提呈给州政府后,经过详细研究,探讨解决方案,最后已经获得州政府同意,将在8月初公开招标。一切顺利的话,九月中旬之后可以开工。
在跟州JKR总监会面的时候,我多次都向州JKR总监提起这件事,希望他多多注意,上一次在6月15日当新加坡资政李光耀到来彭亨州进行访问时,我在北根皇宫跟州JKR总监见面,还提醒他无论如何,一定要帮我,而且一定要赶在年尾雨季之前完成工作。 (这是他的职权管辖之内)!在与淡马鲁JKR局长开会见面时(Jawatankuasa Tindakan Daerah),我都跟他提起这件事的进展,在市议会的会议上,也通过市议员在会上跟进。在跟YB拿督何启文州行政议员见面谈起这件事的时候,我也要求拿督何启文在州行政议会上关注和协助。以上这些,居民当然不知道,YB都赖州议员当然也不知道。作为议员,我们也和人民一样,和居民的感受其实是一样的,只要事情解决了,就不是问题了!当然,问题是何时可以解决,时间是一个非常重要的因素!要了解问题,解决问题,官员一定要到来视察,怎么说成官员没有有效的解决问题呢?
Taman KSM Height 的问题是要解决的。这个将花费一百五十万的工程,由于地势的险恶以及发展进行时土壤处理的问题关系,我是希望能一劳永逸的解决这个问题,这些之前留下来的手尾,假如没有处理好,难保以后(三五年或十年八年后)不会再发生土崩事件!市议会之前花了钱却没有解决问题,我是耿耿于怀的!
土陷多年未解决 文德甲2花园居民担忧 2009/07/14 12:09:24
Saturday, July 11, 2009
首相纳吉上任100天,宣布未来施政重点,包括6个关键领域(Key Result Area,KRA)以及11项利民措施。这些都是人民乐于看到的,希望能在未来尽快实行。
最近几个星期,到来州议员服务中心寻求政府福利部资助的人士比较多。这也许是政府福利部通过寻找计划(Projek Cari)奏效的原因吧,也或许是经济不景气,而向政府寻求资助的贫苦人士也增加了。
Thursday, July 9, 2009
How to make Mentakab a better living town?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
吉民联分裂加剧 居林公正党恫言集体辞官
二零零九年七月三日 晚上十一时四十九分
建议6新地点 全部遭否决
若不能为民解困 当官失意义
吉民联分裂加剧 居林公正党恫言集体辞官
二零零九年七月三日 晚上十一时四十九分
建议6新地点 全部遭否决
若不能为民解困 当官失意义
Friday, July 3, 2009
Here is a piece, it's hard to bite, and don't get choked...
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 17:41:02 +0800
I refer to the Statement of Penang Chief Minister on Malaysiakini today throwing various wild allegations against Hindraf .
I wish to reply as follows:
He has lied and mislead the Malaysian public that Hindraf had "lied"that acquiring Kg.Buah Pala would cost the State Government RM 30 Million.
He further misleads in his statement implying that Hindraf had represented that the State Government could acquire the Kg below the market value.
The above statements by Lim Guan Eng is an absolute and blatant lie deliberately calculated to mislead the Malaysian public and divert from the real issue staring at him.
It was his own Political Secretary that had issued a statement yesterday (malaysiakini) that it would cost the state RM30 million to compensate the developers.
However we are aware of his posting on a blog and widely circulated in the emails that it costs more than tens of millions to do so.
My point is simple- where did Guan Eng get this ridiculus sum from? Why is he putting the cart before the horse? Perhaps he is not getting proper advise from his State Legal Adviser or perhaps his arrogance has cloded his mind. The necessary procedures which are lenghty and elaborate are clearly provided for in Section 18-35 Land Acquisation Act. The amount of compensation to be paid are to be assessed by the Land administrator after valuations and survey. If the amount of compensation awarded by the Land administor is not acceptable by the Developer then he would have to rely on provisions of Section 36-51 of the Land Acquisation Act where the Court would determine the appropriate compensation with the assistance of assessors.
So why is he now blaming HINDRAF for his ignorance of the Law. He has to justify how his Political Secretary came up with RM30 million or even his own Statement that it would cost more than "tens of Millions". Instead he is trying to divert from the real issue.
He further states " the forcible acquisation of Kg Buah Pala involving developed land would be of frightening magnitute and the State Government did not have the financial capability to do so".
Guan Eng is definately a liar and hoodwinking the public. Kg Buah Pala is not a developed land in the first place. I may be thousands of miles away but i will vouch it is a yet to be developed land and the developers had done nothing on the piece of land as yet. So WHAT IS HE FRIGHTENED ABOUT. The villagers have been occupying the land for 200 years and the land is developed in this modern day as a cultural village by the poor and defenceless people of Penang with their own sweat and blood. If the land is worth hundreds of millions of Ringgit because it is developed then the compensation should be to the owners as they are the real developers of the land at the present moment.
Guan Eng claims that the land which is believed to be transfered under dubious manner by the previous BN Government is the fault of the previous Government. But he must remember that the actual transfer of the said land had occured during his tenure as the Chief Minister.
If the previous Government had made a fraudulent deal then he is part of the fraudulent transaction for having sanctioned the transfer after he became the Chief Minister.
The need of a roof over one's head is a basic neccessity just like food and clothing. These poor people have been there with a little space/compound (for their children to play) and a safe roof for 200 years in a piece of land given to them on trust by the Brown family. So why now rob them of the basic necessity? Guan Eng had also lied that the people was offered compensation of RM200,000 and that many had accepted the offer and moved.But in actual fact they were offered RM90,000 by developers far below market value and which is insuffient for them to buy a new property in any part of Penang and the actual number of houseowners who accepted the shortchanged deal were 7 and not many as claimed by Guan Eng ( 5 Malay families and 2 Indian families). As far as i am concerned he is a heartless man for lying and colluding with the developers in uprooting these people with a peanut offer of RM90,000. The villagers had clearly stated that it is not an issue of compensation but a matter of preserving their peaceful existence in their hereditary cultural living over a safe roof. The basic need of a safe roof is a fundamental Human Right. As a responsible Chief Minister and a man who claims to lead the Democratic Party he should be the first to protect and preserve their homes but instead robbing them of thier basic necessity and Human dignity. HINDRAF would vigourously resist any attempt to take away this fundamental right and dignity even if it means ending our friendship with DAP.
Yes I agree HINDRAF has been infiltrated by BN stooges and Police Special Branch which is trying hard to break the Movement. But i will not sit idle and see him destroy the fundamental right in the name of development of not only Indian Community but of any community for the matter.
HINDRAF calls upon other Pakatan Coalition leaders to advice this heartless Chief Minister.
P.Waytha Moorthy
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 17:41:02 +0800
I refer to the Statement of Penang Chief Minister on Malaysiakini today throwing various wild allegations against Hindraf .
I wish to reply as follows:
He has lied and mislead the Malaysian public that Hindraf had "lied"that acquiring Kg.Buah Pala would cost the State Government RM 30 Million.
He further misleads in his statement implying that Hindraf had represented that the State Government could acquire the Kg below the market value.
The above statements by Lim Guan Eng is an absolute and blatant lie deliberately calculated to mislead the Malaysian public and divert from the real issue staring at him.
It was his own Political Secretary that had issued a statement yesterday (malaysiakini) that it would cost the state RM30 million to compensate the developers.
However we are aware of his posting on a blog and widely circulated in the emails that it costs more than tens of millions to do so.
My point is simple- where did Guan Eng get this ridiculus sum from? Why is he putting the cart before the horse? Perhaps he is not getting proper advise from his State Legal Adviser or perhaps his arrogance has cloded his mind. The necessary procedures which are lenghty and elaborate are clearly provided for in Section 18-35 Land Acquisation Act. The amount of compensation to be paid are to be assessed by the Land administrator after valuations and survey. If the amount of compensation awarded by the Land administor is not acceptable by the Developer then he would have to rely on provisions of Section 36-51 of the Land Acquisation Act where the Court would determine the appropriate compensation with the assistance of assessors.
So why is he now blaming HINDRAF for his ignorance of the Law. He has to justify how his Political Secretary came up with RM30 million or even his own Statement that it would cost more than "tens of Millions". Instead he is trying to divert from the real issue.
He further states " the forcible acquisation of Kg Buah Pala involving developed land would be of frightening magnitute and the State Government did not have the financial capability to do so".
Guan Eng is definately a liar and hoodwinking the public. Kg Buah Pala is not a developed land in the first place. I may be thousands of miles away but i will vouch it is a yet to be developed land and the developers had done nothing on the piece of land as yet. So WHAT IS HE FRIGHTENED ABOUT. The villagers have been occupying the land for 200 years and the land is developed in this modern day as a cultural village by the poor and defenceless people of Penang with their own sweat and blood. If the land is worth hundreds of millions of Ringgit because it is developed then the compensation should be to the owners as they are the real developers of the land at the present moment.
Guan Eng claims that the land which is believed to be transfered under dubious manner by the previous BN Government is the fault of the previous Government. But he must remember that the actual transfer of the said land had occured during his tenure as the Chief Minister.
If the previous Government had made a fraudulent deal then he is part of the fraudulent transaction for having sanctioned the transfer after he became the Chief Minister.
The need of a roof over one's head is a basic neccessity just like food and clothing. These poor people have been there with a little space/compound (for their children to play) and a safe roof for 200 years in a piece of land given to them on trust by the Brown family. So why now rob them of the basic necessity? Guan Eng had also lied that the people was offered compensation of RM200,000 and that many had accepted the offer and moved.But in actual fact they were offered RM90,000 by developers far below market value and which is insuffient for them to buy a new property in any part of Penang and the actual number of houseowners who accepted the shortchanged deal were 7 and not many as claimed by Guan Eng ( 5 Malay families and 2 Indian families). As far as i am concerned he is a heartless man for lying and colluding with the developers in uprooting these people with a peanut offer of RM90,000. The villagers had clearly stated that it is not an issue of compensation but a matter of preserving their peaceful existence in their hereditary cultural living over a safe roof. The basic need of a safe roof is a fundamental Human Right. As a responsible Chief Minister and a man who claims to lead the Democratic Party he should be the first to protect and preserve their homes but instead robbing them of thier basic necessity and Human dignity. HINDRAF would vigourously resist any attempt to take away this fundamental right and dignity even if it means ending our friendship with DAP.
Yes I agree HINDRAF has been infiltrated by BN stooges and Police Special Branch which is trying hard to break the Movement. But i will not sit idle and see him destroy the fundamental right in the name of development of not only Indian Community but of any community for the matter.
HINDRAF calls upon other Pakatan Coalition leaders to advice this heartless Chief Minister.
P.Waytha Moorthy
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tun Mahathir in Alor Setar, what he said......
1. 前首相敦马哈迪医生说,国阵或巫统不能怪罪华人在上届大选不支持国阵,问题的关键不在于华人支持与否,而是巫统在2004年至2008年的所作所为是多么的令人失望,不仅华人印度人甚至搞到一些巫统党员也忍痛的把票投给反对党。
1. 前首相敦马哈迪医生说,国阵或巫统不能怪罪华人在上届大选不支持国阵,问题的关键不在于华人支持与否,而是巫统在2004年至2008年的所作所为是多么的令人失望,不仅华人印度人甚至搞到一些巫统党员也忍痛的把票投给反对党。
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Connecting Homestay to the World
27 Jun 2009, Pelancaran Program Muhibah Integrasi Desa Homestay "1Malaysia" di Desa Murni Sanggang Temerloh。
Seramai 80 orang peserta kaum Cina dari Taiping ini telah menyertai program Homestay di Desa Murni Kerdau. Mereka sampai di sini pada 26 Jun 2009 dan akan bersinggah di sini sehingga 28 Jun 2009 di rumah keluarga angkat kaum Melayu Kampung Desa Murni Kerdau. Pada Malam itu, mereka diraikan di Kg Desa Mruni Sanggang, hadir bersama ialah YB Chuah, Adun Mentakab, YB Zaharuddin, Adun Kerdau, Pn Salmiah, Pegawai Kemas Temerloh, keempat-empat tok 4 kampung terlibat dalam program Homestay ini, termasuk Tok 4 Desa Murni Sanggang, En Jalaluddin dan Tuan Haji Shahariman,Pengurus Projek Homestay tersebut.

En Tan Kim Seng, Ketua Rombongan serta Ahli Majlis Taiping menerima interview daripada Pemberita

Ramah mesra dengan ahli rombongan

Persembahan tarian

More Pictures
Seramai 80 orang peserta kaum Cina dari Taiping ini telah menyertai program Homestay di Desa Murni Kerdau. Mereka sampai di sini pada 26 Jun 2009 dan akan bersinggah di sini sehingga 28 Jun 2009 di rumah keluarga angkat kaum Melayu Kampung Desa Murni Kerdau. Pada Malam itu, mereka diraikan di Kg Desa Mruni Sanggang, hadir bersama ialah YB Chuah, Adun Mentakab, YB Zaharuddin, Adun Kerdau, Pn Salmiah, Pegawai Kemas Temerloh, keempat-empat tok 4 kampung terlibat dalam program Homestay ini, termasuk Tok 4 Desa Murni Sanggang, En Jalaluddin dan Tuan Haji Shahariman,Pengurus Projek Homestay tersebut.
More Pictures
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Below is an analysis by Joceline Tan from The Star on the recent unity talk between Umno and Pas and the internal politics within Pas.
Wednesday June 24, 2009
United again – or so it seems for now
Analysis by JOCELINE TAN
PAS has gone into damage control mode after burying the issue of unity talks with Umno but deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa, a key figure behind the talks, will find himself struggling to recover his image.
MISSION Impossible accomplished – that was how PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayob described the conclusion of a special meeting of the party’s top brass to bury the issue of holding unity government talks with Umno. Party leaders called it a perjumpaan ukhuwah or a meeting of the brotherhood.
Even Datuk Harun Taib, the head of the party’s ulama wing, admitted it was the first time in his life that he had attended such a meeting.
Then again, it is not often that PAS is confronted with an issue so contentious that had top leaders going for each others’ throats.
The brotherhood meeting, a sort of smoking the peace pipe session, and party leaders agreed to put the issue to rest in line with the stand taken by its Pakatan Rakyat partners.
Supreme Leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who initiated and chaired the meeting, read out a brief statement and deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa then kissed the elder man’s hand.
Many saw it as Nasharudin seeking forgiveness from Nik Aziz and the elder man granting it by retracting his angry statement against the younger man.
It was a significant gesture because just days ago, Nik Aziz had angrily told Nasharudin to quit PAS since he was so keen on talking unity with Umno. It was equivalent to a public caning.
Nasharudin was also allowed to explain himself at the meeting although he, more or less, repeated what he said during his winding-up speech at the party muktamar earlier this month.
“It was a fruitful meeting. There will be no more talking about a unity government after this,” said Salahuddin, one of those at the meeting.
The party is in damage control mode. One could say that the brotherhood meeting was an urgent exercise in political expediency.
The unity government issue not only caused a rift in the party but had threatened to shatter Pakatan’s ambitions in the next general election.
As such, it was with an eye on the big prize that PAS leaders and their Pakatan partners closed ranks and spoke in one voice.
The unity government talks, which had been brewing since the March 8 elections, was a bid by the Terengganu faction of the party to have a trump card to use against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s ambition for the prime minister’s post.
The group also did not believe that PKR and DAP would implement PAS’ Islamic agenda and saw Umno as another option to realise the agenda.
All that is buried although sceptics do not see the truce lasting till the next general election given the way some PAS leaders feel about Anwar.
But Nasharudin may find it hard to recover from the political damage to himself for a number of reasons.
First, loyalty to the party is paramount for any political leader and Nasharudin has to shake off the perception that he is somewhat too enamoured with Umno.
Second, he has this habit of dropping out of sight when the going gets tough.
At the height of the issue, his protector and president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang was in London. Instead of taking charge and facing his critics, Nasharudin literally disappeared. He did not take calls from even his own party colleagues. It was left to his mentor and secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali to explain things.
Thirdly, it was quite a blow to him when 10 of his MPs held a press conference in the Parliament lobby to announce their opposition to the unity talks. It was as good as saying they were not with Nasharudin, who is Bachok MP and parliament whip for the PAS MPs.
“Morally, he is feeling very down,” said one of the MPs.
Yesterday, Nasharudin was still missing from Parliament, where his party MPs waited for him to chair their weekly backbenchers meetings.
Nasharudin fought off tough competition to win a third term as deputy president of PAS. His campaign strategy was to lie low and not say much. Some called it his “strategy of elegant silence” and it worked fantastically for him.
Unfortunately, this elegant silence stance of his is beginning to wear thin among his party colleagues.
A good leader must shine in times of crisis. He is after all No 2 to Hadi. If anything happens to Hadi, he has to be able to rise to the occasion.
Nasharudin had a relatively easy time in his first two terms. But even with the unity government talks put to rest, he will find himself under scrutiny and it will not be an easy third term for him.
Wednesday June 24, 2009
United again – or so it seems for now
Analysis by JOCELINE TAN
PAS has gone into damage control mode after burying the issue of unity talks with Umno but deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa, a key figure behind the talks, will find himself struggling to recover his image.
MISSION Impossible accomplished – that was how PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayob described the conclusion of a special meeting of the party’s top brass to bury the issue of holding unity government talks with Umno. Party leaders called it a perjumpaan ukhuwah or a meeting of the brotherhood.
Even Datuk Harun Taib, the head of the party’s ulama wing, admitted it was the first time in his life that he had attended such a meeting.
Then again, it is not often that PAS is confronted with an issue so contentious that had top leaders going for each others’ throats.
The brotherhood meeting, a sort of smoking the peace pipe session, and party leaders agreed to put the issue to rest in line with the stand taken by its Pakatan Rakyat partners.
Supreme Leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who initiated and chaired the meeting, read out a brief statement and deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa then kissed the elder man’s hand.
Many saw it as Nasharudin seeking forgiveness from Nik Aziz and the elder man granting it by retracting his angry statement against the younger man.
It was a significant gesture because just days ago, Nik Aziz had angrily told Nasharudin to quit PAS since he was so keen on talking unity with Umno. It was equivalent to a public caning.
Nasharudin was also allowed to explain himself at the meeting although he, more or less, repeated what he said during his winding-up speech at the party muktamar earlier this month.
“It was a fruitful meeting. There will be no more talking about a unity government after this,” said Salahuddin, one of those at the meeting.
The party is in damage control mode. One could say that the brotherhood meeting was an urgent exercise in political expediency.
The unity government issue not only caused a rift in the party but had threatened to shatter Pakatan’s ambitions in the next general election.
As such, it was with an eye on the big prize that PAS leaders and their Pakatan partners closed ranks and spoke in one voice.
The unity government talks, which had been brewing since the March 8 elections, was a bid by the Terengganu faction of the party to have a trump card to use against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s ambition for the prime minister’s post.
The group also did not believe that PKR and DAP would implement PAS’ Islamic agenda and saw Umno as another option to realise the agenda.
All that is buried although sceptics do not see the truce lasting till the next general election given the way some PAS leaders feel about Anwar.
But Nasharudin may find it hard to recover from the political damage to himself for a number of reasons.
First, loyalty to the party is paramount for any political leader and Nasharudin has to shake off the perception that he is somewhat too enamoured with Umno.
Second, he has this habit of dropping out of sight when the going gets tough.
At the height of the issue, his protector and president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang was in London. Instead of taking charge and facing his critics, Nasharudin literally disappeared. He did not take calls from even his own party colleagues. It was left to his mentor and secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali to explain things.
Thirdly, it was quite a blow to him when 10 of his MPs held a press conference in the Parliament lobby to announce their opposition to the unity talks. It was as good as saying they were not with Nasharudin, who is Bachok MP and parliament whip for the PAS MPs.
“Morally, he is feeling very down,” said one of the MPs.
Yesterday, Nasharudin was still missing from Parliament, where his party MPs waited for him to chair their weekly backbenchers meetings.
Nasharudin fought off tough competition to win a third term as deputy president of PAS. His campaign strategy was to lie low and not say much. Some called it his “strategy of elegant silence” and it worked fantastically for him.
Unfortunately, this elegant silence stance of his is beginning to wear thin among his party colleagues.
A good leader must shine in times of crisis. He is after all No 2 to Hadi. If anything happens to Hadi, he has to be able to rise to the occasion.
Nasharudin had a relatively easy time in his first two terms. But even with the unity government talks put to rest, he will find himself under scrutiny and it will not be an easy third term for him.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Majlis Pelepasan Kontijen Sempena Sukan Remaja Pahang 2009 diadakan pada jam 10.30 pagi pada 19 Jun 2009 di Stadium Temerloh. Sepasukan peserta telah bertolak awal semalam demi menyertai acara-acara majlis sukan tersebut. Sejumlah 228 peserta akan menyertai Majlis Sukan Remaja Pahang yang diadakan di Stadium Rakan Muda Jengka, Bandar Tun Razak Jengka, Maran jam 5.00 ptg yang akan dirasmikan oleh YAB Menteri Besar Pahang pada 20 Jun 2009.
Adalah menjadi harapan semoga peserta-peserta dari Daerah Temerloh ini dapat memperbaiki kedudukan dan mencapai kecemerlangan dalam kejohanan sukan tersebut. Majulah Sukan Daerah Temerloh.

Adalah menjadi harapan semoga peserta-peserta dari Daerah Temerloh ini dapat memperbaiki kedudukan dan mencapai kecemerlangan dalam kejohanan sukan tersebut. Majulah Sukan Daerah Temerloh.
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