Comment by BARADAN KUPPUSAMY - The Star
Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat could have taken the easy way out and swept the PKFZ issue under the carpet. Instead, he chose the more difficult path in the name of greater accountability and transparency.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
"Bahasa Burung"
Saya pernah dengar selesema burung atau dikenali sebagai Avian Influenza, sejenis selesema yang menyerang burung, adakalanya menyerang manusia juga.
Jarang saya dengar "bahasa burung" kerana manusia nak dengar dan faham "bahasa burung" itu agak susah. "Bahasa Burung" itu selalunya kasar dan menyinggung perasaan!
Saya fikir dengar bahasa mimpi itu lebih sedap, bahasa mimpi itu cakapan semasa tidur dan mimpi, kita biasa tidur dan mimpi, kadang-kadang bila kita tidur, otak masih aktif dan fikir, kita mimpilah dan kita pun cakap, itu bahasa manusia, OKlah tapi "bahasa burung" itu, eh, sakit telinga!
Otak sudah jadi otak burungke baru boleh cakap "bahasa burung"?
Saya berkesempatan baca "bahasa burung" dalam satu lapuran Merdeka Review. Dalam lapuran itu, seorang pemimpin menasihatkan seorang pemimpin lain jangan cakap "bahasa burung". Berikut ini lapurannya:-
Jarang saya dengar "bahasa burung" kerana manusia nak dengar dan faham "bahasa burung" itu agak susah. "Bahasa Burung" itu selalunya kasar dan menyinggung perasaan!
Saya fikir dengar bahasa mimpi itu lebih sedap, bahasa mimpi itu cakapan semasa tidur dan mimpi, kita biasa tidur dan mimpi, kadang-kadang bila kita tidur, otak masih aktif dan fikir, kita mimpilah dan kita pun cakap, itu bahasa manusia, OKlah tapi "bahasa burung" itu, eh, sakit telinga!
Otak sudah jadi otak burungke baru boleh cakap "bahasa burung"?
Saya berkesempatan baca "bahasa burung" dalam satu lapuran Merdeka Review. Dalam lapuran itu, seorang pemimpin menasihatkan seorang pemimpin lain jangan cakap "bahasa burung". Berikut ini lapurannya:-
Sunday, August 9, 2009
When you meet someone who is really frank......
7 August was a special day for me, for I was able to meet one of the residents in Mentakab, sat in his car and accompanied to visit a location, part of a road which was complained several years ago(I was not even a wakil rakyat then) and had not been attended since then.
That morning, when I reached my office premises and before entering the office, I met him, after talking for a while, he introduced himself, then only I realized he is one of the prominent lawyer in Mentakab, Mr Karam Singh.
During our conversation downstairs, he was very critical about BN yet all this while he supported BN(I supposed till 2008 election). Nowadays, it's not easy to meet people who is willing to tell you frankly that he is critical about you or your party. People may either shun you or keep to themselves what they think about you or your party. I listened patiently about his annoyances about BN and the words he used may be a little bit harsh, however i still listened. As a wakil rakyat, under such situation, some may have simply turn away and rather not continue the conversation/listening, I respected him as a senior and I listened patiently.
Finally, he mentioned about a dissatisfaction which he did complain before(several years back) and he invited me to go into his car and have a look at what he has described.
I went into his car and he drove me to the location to see what he has described.
After inspecting the conditions of the road and the surroundings, I agreed that those portion of the road are neglected, there are pot holes here and there, and I noticed that the road were not resurfaced since those houses were built in the 90's. I was surprised also to see that the road in front of the new double storeys terrace houses was also not resurfaced, I supposed this road should be resurfaced since the houses are newly built.
It is the duty of the housing developer to resurface the existing road and the duty of the Majlis Perbandaran to oversee that the job is done rather than letting go the developer. I can understand why some rakyat are angry, these unscrupulous developer at the expense of the people and cheating on the government to make their money.
After coming back back from the visit, I called the Jurutera Majlis Perbandaran to request some fund to attend to the request of the residents and also wrote a letter formally requesting the attention and work to be done.
There is one thing worth mentioning, before I left Mr Karam Singh, he held my hand and put on his chest and thanked me for willing to listen to his grouses and came along to have the visit.
During then, i could hear the Sikh prayer playing through his car cassette. He is a religious man and a nice man although sometimes he may use harsh words, however I still considered it to be my lucky day to be able to meet someone who is critical about my party and yet frank to tell me that.
That morning, when I reached my office premises and before entering the office, I met him, after talking for a while, he introduced himself, then only I realized he is one of the prominent lawyer in Mentakab, Mr Karam Singh.
During our conversation downstairs, he was very critical about BN yet all this while he supported BN(I supposed till 2008 election). Nowadays, it's not easy to meet people who is willing to tell you frankly that he is critical about you or your party. People may either shun you or keep to themselves what they think about you or your party. I listened patiently about his annoyances about BN and the words he used may be a little bit harsh, however i still listened. As a wakil rakyat, under such situation, some may have simply turn away and rather not continue the conversation/listening, I respected him as a senior and I listened patiently.
Finally, he mentioned about a dissatisfaction which he did complain before(several years back) and he invited me to go into his car and have a look at what he has described.
I went into his car and he drove me to the location to see what he has described.
After inspecting the conditions of the road and the surroundings, I agreed that those portion of the road are neglected, there are pot holes here and there, and I noticed that the road were not resurfaced since those houses were built in the 90's. I was surprised also to see that the road in front of the new double storeys terrace houses was also not resurfaced, I supposed this road should be resurfaced since the houses are newly built.
It is the duty of the housing developer to resurface the existing road and the duty of the Majlis Perbandaran to oversee that the job is done rather than letting go the developer. I can understand why some rakyat are angry, these unscrupulous developer at the expense of the people and cheating on the government to make their money.
After coming back back from the visit, I called the Jurutera Majlis Perbandaran to request some fund to attend to the request of the residents and also wrote a letter formally requesting the attention and work to be done.
There is one thing worth mentioning, before I left Mr Karam Singh, he held my hand and put on his chest and thanked me for willing to listen to his grouses and came along to have the visit.
During then, i could hear the Sikh prayer playing through his car cassette. He is a religious man and a nice man although sometimes he may use harsh words, however I still considered it to be my lucky day to be able to meet someone who is critical about my party and yet frank to tell me that.
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rakyat Didahulukan Dan Pencapaian Diutamakan.
Petang tadi, kami adakan satu mesyuarat di Pejabat ADUN Mentakab, berbincangan mengenai masalah tuntutan seorang tuanpunya tanah yang berasal dari Tg Kerayong Mentakab yang ikut katanya jalan yang sedia ada telah mecerobuhi tanahnya di sebelah jambatan Tg Kerayong Mentakab. Jalan yang digunapakai ini sebenarnya telah wujud sejak 1992.
Beliau menuntut sebanyak RM 20,000 pampasan daripada mereka yang terdiri daripada pekebun kecil, pemaju-pemaju pekebun, penoreh-penoreh getah dan lain-lain yang mengunakan jalan itu setiap hari. RM 20,000 itu satu jumlah yang besar. Kami kena kenalpasti bahawa jalan yang dikatakan terceroboh itu betul-betul tanahnya. Jumalah yang dituntut itu pun kena dibincang semula dengan mereka yang menggunakan jalan tersebut.
Selepas perbincangan di Pejabat ADUN, kami bertolak untuk membuat lawatan tapak. Dengan menggunakan bacaan meter kereta saya, saya dapati jarak yang dikatakan dicerobohi itu lebig kurang 300 meter. Walau bagaimana pun, saya juga difahami, jalan itu mungkin terletak di atas tanah yang tuanpunya yang berlainan. Oleh itu, saya minta Tok4 En Mubin dan wakil pekebun kecil untuk mengadakan pengukuran sempadan dengan kerjasama pegawai dari Pejabat Tanah dan JKR demi memastikan sempadan sebenar supaya tidak mengelirukan dan tidak mendatangkan masalah kemudian, sempena mencari penyelesaian masalah tuntutan ini.
Pada masa yang sama, kami juga menghubungi pegawai teknikal dari Pejabat Daerah untuk memastikan jalan alternatif dan membuat anggaran kos mungkin terlibat sekiranya perlu adakan jalan alternatif pada masa depan.
Semasa berada di situ, kami juga meninjau keadaan struktur Jambatan Tg Kerayong yang melintas Sg Semantan dan didapati maintenance perlu diadakan secepat mungkin untuk menjamin keselamatan pengguna jambatan tersebut. Kelihatan hakisan tanah disebelah jambatan memang serius dan pegawai JPS telah pun membuat lawatan dan sedang mengambil tindakan memperbaiki keadaan.Kerajaan memang sentiasa peka kepada kehendak rakyat.
Rakyat Didahulukan Dan Pencapaian Diutamakan. Harap perkara seperti ini dapat diselesaikan secepat mungkin.
Beliau menuntut sebanyak RM 20,000 pampasan daripada mereka yang terdiri daripada pekebun kecil, pemaju-pemaju pekebun, penoreh-penoreh getah dan lain-lain yang mengunakan jalan itu setiap hari. RM 20,000 itu satu jumlah yang besar. Kami kena kenalpasti bahawa jalan yang dikatakan terceroboh itu betul-betul tanahnya. Jumalah yang dituntut itu pun kena dibincang semula dengan mereka yang menggunakan jalan tersebut.
Selepas perbincangan di Pejabat ADUN, kami bertolak untuk membuat lawatan tapak. Dengan menggunakan bacaan meter kereta saya, saya dapati jarak yang dikatakan dicerobohi itu lebig kurang 300 meter. Walau bagaimana pun, saya juga difahami, jalan itu mungkin terletak di atas tanah yang tuanpunya yang berlainan. Oleh itu, saya minta Tok4 En Mubin dan wakil pekebun kecil untuk mengadakan pengukuran sempadan dengan kerjasama pegawai dari Pejabat Tanah dan JKR demi memastikan sempadan sebenar supaya tidak mengelirukan dan tidak mendatangkan masalah kemudian, sempena mencari penyelesaian masalah tuntutan ini.
Pada masa yang sama, kami juga menghubungi pegawai teknikal dari Pejabat Daerah untuk memastikan jalan alternatif dan membuat anggaran kos mungkin terlibat sekiranya perlu adakan jalan alternatif pada masa depan.
Semasa berada di situ, kami juga meninjau keadaan struktur Jambatan Tg Kerayong yang melintas Sg Semantan dan didapati maintenance perlu diadakan secepat mungkin untuk menjamin keselamatan pengguna jambatan tersebut. Kelihatan hakisan tanah disebelah jambatan memang serius dan pegawai JPS telah pun membuat lawatan dan sedang mengambil tindakan memperbaiki keadaan.Kerajaan memang sentiasa peka kepada kehendak rakyat.
Rakyat Didahulukan Dan Pencapaian Diutamakan. Harap perkara seperti ini dapat diselesaikan secepat mungkin.
Monday, August 3, 2009
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